#1 Best Seller
on Amazon
Hookups, Hiccups and Happenstances ranked as a #1 Best Selling Book on Amazon on April 19th of 2024! We charted in the following categories: Best in Screen Writing, Electronic Anthologies and Electronic Publishing.
A Book of Erotic Short Stories of the Sexual Revolution
By Author
Sam L. Feldman
Author Statement:
"During the era these stories take place, women were free to explore sexual desires. As the onslaught on women's freedom of choice rages mightily, these stories may never be told again."
-Sam L. Feldman
Also available at:
The Open Door Bookstore,
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Northshire Saratoga Bookstore424 Broadway
Saratoga Springs, NY, 12866
518 682-4200
Northshire Manchester Bookstore
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800 437-3700
Author Book Signing:
Saratoga Book Festivals Literary Marketplace
Friday, October 27th
Fantasy Market, Fantasy Fest, Key West, FL
Truman Waterfront Park
Saturday, October, 14, 2023
10:00 AM—2:00 PMThe Saratoga City Center, 522 Broadway,
Saratoga Springs, N Y
About the Book
Hookups, Hiccups, and Happenstances.
About the Author
Sam Feldman and his wife, Nancy, live in upstate New York where they raised two children, a son, James, and a daughter, Terri. Sam began an insurance and financial planning career in 1962, continuing six decades, becoming an expert and mentor in the field of Long-Term Care planning.
That lead to a request...
Sam L. Feldman's, “HOOKUP’S, HICCUP’S, and HAPPENSTANCE’S”, short stories take place during the Sexual Revolution, (60’s & 70’s), when attitudes towards sex and morality are liberalized. Sex by either gender without guilt or shame, with whom or whoever.
These steamy stories are told through Butch, considered chick bait by women and hero by his buddies. Thirty-plus scenes of sex life and detail described coming full circle with a surprise ending...
"... a very captivating read and the love schenes were more than titillating... Really good stuff."
Justin Harris, Amazon Verified Purchase, 8/12/2023
"I really loved that this book was from the point of view of a man. A man who is completely in love with his wife, however, also in love with sex with women. All colors, old, skinny, fat, experienced, single, married. I mean sex with all women. It made me ask my husband some questions to open up our bedroom relationship to eachother again."
Shawnae, Amazon Verified Purchase, 9/9/2023
"This book is for anyone looking for a vivid, visually and mentally stimulating turn-ons, or even inspiration for new and exciting romantic sexcapades."
Fliffles, Amazon Verified Purchase, 9/7/2023
Departing from Cliches, Feldman crafts individuals with depth and authenticity, enriching their desires with genuine backstories."
Taeghan D., Amazon Verified Review, 8/30/2023